Albion Ridge Cemetery, located a 15 minute drive east of Barons in Lethbridge county has 51 interred persons as of 2023. All that remains of the settlement of Albion Ridge is the cemetery. There is a farmhouse across the gravel road from the cemetery which may, or may not, have been part of the original community.




Range Rd 22-2 & Twp Rd 12-0
Nearest Populated Centre: Barons,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.96023, -112.91704

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

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Torrington Zion Lutheran Cemetery (Kneehill County)

322043 Rge Rd 261 , Torrington , Alberta

Seven Persons Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 110 east of Highway 867 , Seven Persons , Alberta

Indian Battle Park Cemetery (City of Lethbridge)

200 Indian Battle Road South (Riverbottom) , Lethbridge , Alberta

Lacombe Home Cemetery (Calgary)

270 Providence Boulevard SE , Calgary , Alberta

Hilda Congregational Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 180 & Rge Rd 21 , Hilda , Alberta

Sutherland Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 141 and Township Road 191 , Brooks , Alberta

St. Anne's Cemetery (Josephburg, Cypress County)

East of Range Road 30, south of Township Road 94 , Josephburg , Alberta

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