
Alberta Ancestors: A Research Repository for Alberta


Featuring cemeteries in the Calgary & Southern Alberta region. View grave marker images, browse names, birth and death dates and plot locations. Cemeteries can be searched by name on a map, from a dropdown list, or from a paginated list of pages.



AFHS members’ family trees are available and preserved at the Family Genes website.  This site is a repository for the trees, branches, families, places and events for members’ family line studies.

family lines



This website project is the result of research and transcription by an untold number of volunteers over several decades and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of man hours of effort.

family lines


The stories of our predecessors add some personality to the grave markers found in our cemeteries.  Enjoy reading about some of our pioneers, our notable and notorious people, or just some visitors to Calgary who ended up staying here beyond their lifetimes.



The Alberta Family Histories Society is a nonprofit association of family genealogists who want to share their research with the world.  Starting in 1980, the AFHS has collected cemetery records and images, B/M/D indexes and obituaries.  This Alberta Ancestors website is our portal into that repository of family history.



For those users interested in analytics, statistics and trends, we have you covered! Explore graphs charting deaths and longevity by year, and name clouds graphically illustrating popular surnames and given names. More analytics are planned for the future, so please keep checking back.

Discover Alberta Ancestors