


18 Street
Nearest Populated Centre: Didsbury,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.65318, -114.135

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

Brant Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Hwy 804 south of Twp Rd Twp Rd 182 , Brant , Alberta

St. Gabriel's Cemetery (Carbon, Kneehill County)

Range Rd 232 , Carbon , Alberta

Etzikom Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 64, Range Road 91, Highway 885 , Etzikom , Alberta

Springbank Cemetery (Rocky View County)

250011 Range Rd 33 , Calgary , Alberta

St. Anne's Cemetery (Josephburg, Cypress County)

East of Range Road 30, south of Township Road 94 , Josephburg , Alberta

Little Knoll Finnish Lutheran Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Range Road 55 south of Township Road 62 , Manyberries , Alberta

Rosemary North Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 160 N of Highway 550 , Rosemary , Alberta

White Lake Cemetery (Lethbridge County)

11195 Range Road 24-3 , Nobleford , Alberta

Hilda Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 182 & Rge Rd 13 , Hilda , Alberta

Okotoks Cemetery (Foothills County)

30 Westland Street , Okotoks , Alberta

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