


Twp Rd 230 just west of Rge Rd 222
Nearest Populated Centre: Cluny,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.95080, -112.86292

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

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25th Ave , Blairmore , Alberta

Baptist Freedom Settlers Cemetery (Cypress County)

SH 515 & Range Rd 31 , Josephburg , Alberta

St. Mary's Tide Lake Cemetery (Cypress County)

Range Road 100 S of Highway 544 , Jenner , Alberta

Prairie Sky Cemetery (Calgary)

12800 100 St SE , Calgary , Alberta

Irricana Town Cemetery (Rocky View County)

Cemetery Rd & Hendricks Dr , Irricana , Alberta

Coffin Handle Butte Cemetery (Vulcan County)

top of Coffin Handle Butte east of Milo AB , Milo , Alberta

Benalto Cemetery (Red Deer County)

Range Road 25 S of Township Road 385 , Benalto , Alberta

Carmangay Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Township Road 235 and Range Road 240 , Carmangay , Alberta

Cleverville Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Rge Rd 240 south of Twp Rd 154 , Champion , Alberta

Zion Baptist Cemetery (Hesketh, Kneehill County)

Range Road 222A south of Highway 9 , Hesketh , Alberta

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