


14608 Macleod Tr SE (access off 146 Ave SE & Bannister Rd)
Nearest Populated Centre: Calgary,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.92197, -114.07042

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Franciscan Friars Cemetery (Rocky View County)

41160 Retreat Road , Cochrane , Alberta

Patricia Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

Rosemary Catholic Cemetery (Newell County)

Old #1 Highway and East Gem Road , Rosemary , Alberta

Alston Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Hwy 527 & Twp Rd 142; SW of Champion , SW of Champion , Alberta

St. Anthony's Cemetery (Maleb, Forty Mile County)

Township Road 91 and Range Road 91 , Maleb , Alberta

Gem Cemetery (Newell County)

Township Road 224 E of Highway 862 , Gem , Alberta

St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery (Claresholm, MD of Willow Creek)

Twp Rd 130 & Rge Rd 263 , near Claresholm , Alberta

Burnsland Cemetery (Calgary)

3020 Spiller Rd SE , Calgary , Alberta

Five Mile Cemetery (MD of Willow Creek)

Range Rd 520, east of Claresholm , Claresholm , Alberta

St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Range Road 162 and Township Road 302 , Hanna , Alberta

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