


14608 Macleod Tr SE (access off 146 Ave SE & Bannister Rd)
Nearest Populated Centre: Calgary,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.92197, -114.07042

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Other Cemeteries

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Twp Rd 100 & Rge Rd 41 , Gros Ventre , Alberta

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Range Rd 242, south of Highway #9 , Beiseker , Alberta

Assumption Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Range Rd 130, Township Rd 92 , Grassy Lake , Alberta

Poynter Memorial Cemetery (Barrhead County)

Range Road 35 N of Township Road 592 , Barrhead , Alberta

Hand Hills Baptist Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Range Road 163 and Township Road 302 , Hanna , Alberta

Hargrave Family Ranch Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp 130 & Rge Rd 11 , Walsh , Alberta

Banff Town Cemetery (Banff National Park)

604 Buffalo Street , Banff , Alberta

Sutherland Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 141 and Township Road 191 , Brooks , Alberta

St. Mary's Pioneer Cemetery (Calgary)

3157 Erlton St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Namaka Mennonite Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Namaka, Strathmore Census Division , Carseland , Alberta

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