


263074 Hwy 27
Nearest Populated Centre: Torrington,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.79474, -113.64001

Map Location

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The 25 most common surnames found in this cemetery.


The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Wenz Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 204 and Range Road 13 , Sandy Point , Alberta

Munson Cemetery (Starland County)

Highway 9 south of Munson , Munson , Alberta

Harmattan Nazarene Cemetery (Mountain View County)

Range Rd 40 & Twp Rd 324 , Harmattan , Alberta

Gilby Cemetery (Lacombe County)

Range Road 33A S of Highway 12 , Gilby , Alberta

Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery (Calgary)

101 17818 37 St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Sutherland Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 141 and Township Road 191 , Brooks , Alberta

Box Springs Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 142 & Range Rd 62 , Redcliff , Alberta

Gleichen Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Highway 547 north of town , Gleichen , Alberta

Taylor Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Hwy 539 between Rge Rd 181 & Range Rd 183 , Lomond , Alberta

Highland Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Twp Rd 24 south of Rge Rd 542 , Vulcan , Alberta

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