


263074 Hwy 27
Nearest Populated Centre: Torrington,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.79474, -113.64001

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Other Cemeteries

Chancellor Cemetery (Wheatland County)

S of AB 561E on Twp Rd 245A , Chancellor , Alberta

Etzikom Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 64, Range Road 91, Highway 885 , Etzikom , Alberta

Bow City Cemetery (Newell County)

Rge Rd 165 north of Hwy 539 , Brooks , Alberta

Wisdom Bethel Evangelical Cemetery (Cypress County)

Range Rd 60 & Twp Rd 90 , Wisdom , Alberta

Fath Hill Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Rge Rd 529 west of Hwy 23 , Champion , Alberta

Banff Town Cemetery (Banff National Park)

604 Buffalo Street , Banff , Alberta

Church of God Cemetery (Schuler, Cypress County)

Twp Rd 162 & Rge Rd 23 , Schuler , Alberta

Bismark Lutheran Cemetery (Ponoka County)

Highway 792 N of Township Road 432 , Crestomere , Alberta

Long Valley Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 132 (Longvalley Rd) east of Range Rd 33 , Irvine , Alberta

Cremona Community Cemetery (Mountain View County)

Township Rd 295B & Highway 580 , Cremona , Alberta

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