


263074 Hwy 27
Nearest Populated Centre: Torrington,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.79474, -113.64001

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Beiseker Level Land Seventh-day Adventist Cemetery (Rocky View County)

Range Rd 242, south of Highway #9 , Beiseker , Alberta

Kin Coulee Cemetery (Medicine Hat)

Old Cemetery Rd SE , Medicine Hat , Alberta

Vockeroth Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 120 and Range Road 30 , Irvine , Alberta

Prospy Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Highway 885, Township Road 81 and Range Road 92 , Etzikom , Alberta

Gilby Cemetery (Lacombe County)

Range Road 33A S of Highway 12 , Gilby , Alberta

Sharon Cemetery (Vulcan County)

26531-26501 Twp Rd 174, SW of Brant; NE corner of Rge Rd 270 & Twp Rd 174 , SW of Brant , Alberta

Munson Cemetery (Starland County)

Highway 9 south of Munson , Munson , Alberta

Zion Cemetery (Many Islands, Cypress County)

Township Road 132 and Range Road 21 , Many Islands , Alberta

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