


32180 Hwy 766
Nearest Populated Centre: Westerdale,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.73649, -114.33309

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Other Cemeteries

Newburg Evangelical Zion Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 100 & Rge Rd 41 , Gros Ventre , Alberta

Little Plume Cemetery (Cypress County)

Eagle Butte Rd (Range Rd 51) and Twp Rd 100 , South of Dunmore , Alberta

Hutterian Brethren of Murray Lake (Cypress County)

Township Road 107 and Range Road 70 , Seven Persons , Alberta

Arthurvale Cemetery (Red Deer County)

Range Road 250 & Township Road 350 , Elnora , Alberta

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zion (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 62 and Range Road 55, east of Highway 889 , Manyberries , Alberta

Russian Colony Cemetery (Ponoka County)

Highway 771 & Township Road 443 , Homeglen (or Home Glen) , Alberta

St. Anne's Cemetery (Josephburg, Cypress County)

East of Range Road 30, south of Township Road 94 , Josephburg , Alberta

Rockyford Union Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Twp Rd 263 & Range Rd 234 , Rockyford , Alberta

Homeland Cemetery (Kneehill County)

292044 Rge Rd 211A , Dunphy , Alberta

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