


334039 Hwy 805
Nearest Populated Centre: Wimborne,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.85993, -113.59439

Map Location

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The 25 most common surnames found in this cemetery.


The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Kootenai Brown Cemetery (Waterton Lakes National Park)

Highway 5, Waterton Park , Waterton , Alberta

Neuburg Church of God Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 102 & Hwy 41 , Neuberg (south of Irvine) , Alberta

St. Mary's Pioneer Cemetery (Calgary)

3157 Erlton St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Alderson Cemetery (Cypress County)

Range Rd 104, Township Rd 154 , Alderson , Alberta

Passburg Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

Passburg Dr , Passburg , Alberta

Spring Coulee Cemetery (Cardston County)

Range Road 234 N of Spring Coulee , Spring Coulee , Alberta

Hill Spring Cemetery (Cardston County)

Township Rd 43A , Hill Spring , Alberta

Patricia Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

Hussar Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Highway 561 (east of Hussar) , Hussar , Alberta

O Perfect Peace Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Range Road 212 between Township Roads 190 and 192 , Milo , Alberta

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