The Forgotten Corner

The Forgotten Corner

History of the communities of Comrey, Catchem, Hooper-Pendland, Onefour, Wild Horse

Call No.: 971.23 COMR 1990
Page Count: 325
Publication Year: Unknown
Location: Comrey, Alberta
Names of communities: Comrey, Catchem, Hooper-Pendland, Onefour, Wild Horse
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Comrey was established around 1910. Located in the sparsely populated and seldom visited southeast corner of the province, it was more of a center or reference point for a large district than a true town. The sense of isolation in these vast open spaces is overwhelming, and it’s a testament to the strong character of the old pioneers who chose to live in such an out of the way place. Today, there are only a few scattered farms here and there.

Onefour was a research substation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that focused on forage and cattle data. This locality is located in the extreme Southeast of southern Alberta within Cypress County. The 42,600-acre ranch, located about 2.5 hours south of Medicine Hat, is characterized by abundant sunshine, low precipitation, extremes in temperature, and frequent high winds.

Wild Horse is an unincorporated community in southern Alberta within Cypress County. It is located on Highway 41, approximately 120 km southeast of Medicine Hat. Wild Horse also serves as a port of entry into the U.S. state of Montana as it is located at a border crossing with the United States. The wild horses of Alberta’s eastern slopes are remnants of an era when horses were used for logging and hunting. Of no further use as technology advanced, they were let loose and became feral. A century later their ancestors remain.


Community: Comrey
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.121600, -112.290540

Map Location

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