All the small churches built in the Schuler area were spearheaded by men and women of conviction. Here five miles west and three miles south of Schuler, Alberta, history was repeating itself. In 1918 Frederick Jacober and Jacob Martz led the way and established one more place to worship that was close to the pioneers’ homes. Mr. Jacob Martz donated the one acre needed to build the church. The first pastor at this church was Reverend Krieger. The Congregational Matthaus Cemetery is located on east side of Range Road 23, a good graveled grade. Church records indicate that 36 burials took place here. There are only four graves with markers, three have legible inscriptions. As at August 30, 1996, the grass at the cemetery had not been cut in a long time, but the fence was in good shape.

Courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




Rge Rd 23 between Twp Rs 154 and 160
Nearest Populated Centre: Schuler,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.29516, -110.2105

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

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Twp Rd 162 and Rge Rd 14 , Schuler , Alberta

Sharon Cemetery (Vulcan County)

26531-26501 Twp Rd 174, SW of Brant; NE corner of Rge Rd 270 & Twp Rd 174 , SW of Brant , Alberta

St. Joseph's Cemetery (Three Hills, Kneehill County)

Secondary Highway 583 just west of Three Hills , Three Hills , Alberta

Wisdom Bethel Evangelical Cemetery (Cypress County)

Range Rd 60 & Twp Rd 90 , Wisdom , Alberta

Jennings (Northern) Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Range Road 113 N of Township Road 250 , Cessford , Alberta

Cayley Cemetery (Foothills County)

88207 - 658 Avenue E , Cayley , Alberta

Eagle Valley Cemetery (Mountain View County)

4455 Twp Rd 340 , Sundre , Alberta

Christ Lutheran Cemetery (Red Deer County)

Township Road 370 and Range Road 32 , Spruce View , Alberta

Bellevue Catholic Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

Bellevue , Bellevue , Alberta

St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery (Calgary)

14620 Macleod Tr SE (access off 146 Ave SE & Bannister Rd) , Calgary , Alberta

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