


194002 Highway 69
Nearest Populated Centre: Dalum,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.30035, -112.63204

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

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Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

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Range Rd 104, Township Rd 154 , Alderson , Alberta

Caldwell - Belly River Cemetery (Cardston County)

Highway 800 S of Highway 505 , Mountain View , Alberta

Newburg Evangelical Zion Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 100 & Rge Rd 41 , Gros Ventre , Alberta

Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery (Calgary)

101 17818 37 St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Coleman Catholic Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

77 St & 27 Ave , Coleman , Alberta

Coffin Handle Butte Cemetery (Vulcan County)

top of Coffin Handle Butte east of Milo AB , Milo , Alberta

Maerz Cemetery (Kneehill County)

Rge Rd 252 south of Hwy 802, west of Three Hills , Three Hills , Alberta

Zion Baptist Cemetery (Hesketh, Kneehill County)

Range Road 222A south of Highway 9 , Hesketh , Alberta

Cassils Pioneer Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 154 and Township Road 190 , Brooks , Alberta

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