


Rge Rd 520 west of Twp Rd 23
Nearest Populated Centre: Barons,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.02606, -113.23174

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Spring Coulee Cemetery (Cardston County)

Range Road 234 N of Spring Coulee , Spring Coulee , Alberta

Caldwell - Belly River Cemetery (Cardston County)

Highway 800 S of Highway 505 , Mountain View , Alberta

Neuburg Adventist Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 101 & Rge Rd 32 , Neuberg (south of Irvine) , Alberta

Reist Mennonite Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Rge Rd 100a, Special Area No. 2 , N of Youngstown , Alberta

Stockburger Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 190 and Range Road 20 , Hilda , Alberta

Beth Tzedec Memorial Park (Calgary)

122 Shalom Way SW , Calgary , Alberta

St. Joseph's Cemetery (Foremost, Forty Mile County)

Township Road 72 and Range road 113 , Foremost , Alberta

Neuburg Church of God Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 102 & Hwy 41 , Neuberg (south of Irvine) , Alberta

Mount Davis Cemetery (Kneehill County)

314035 Range Rd 250 , Three Hills , Alberta

Zion Lutheran Cemetery Site 1 (Cypress County)

Twp 180 and Rge Rd 24 , Hilda , Alberta

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