


292044 Rge Rd 211A
Nearest Populated Centre: Dunphy,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.48192, -112.85700

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Other Cemeteries

Highfield Christian Reformed Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Highway 879, Township Road 80, Range Road 121 , Burdett , Alberta

Caldwell - Belly River Cemetery (Cardston County)

Highway 800 S of Highway 505 , Mountain View , Alberta

Hand Hills Baptist Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Range Road 163 and Township Road 302 , Hanna , Alberta

Seven Persons Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 110 east of Highway 867 , Seven Persons , Alberta

Faith Union Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 42 and Highway 885 , Etzikom , Alberta

Gregoreshenko Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 132 & Rge Rd 33 , Clearwater , Alberta

Gladys Union Cemetery (Foothills County)

370004 240 St E , Gladys , Alberta

Sacred Heart Cemetery (Strathmore, Wheatland County)

616 Westridge Rd , Strathmore , Alberta

St. Rita's Cemetery (Rockyford, Wheatland County)

412 Serviceberry Trail , Rockyford , Alberta

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