


Twp Rd 192 between Rge Roads 220 and 221
Nearest Populated Centre: Milo,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.60175, -112.92425

Map Location

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The 25 most common surnames found in this cemetery.


The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Torrington East Cemetery (Kneehill County)

330007A Hwy 805 , Torrington , Alberta

Fertile Plains Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Highway 885, Township Road 85, Range Road 102 , Maleb, Bow Island area , Alberta

Westcott Cemetery (Mountain View County)

Westcott Rd & Range Rd 32 , Westcott , Alberta

Redeemer Lutheran Cemetery (Mountain View County)

30572 Range Rd 25 , Didsbury , Alberta

Coffin Handle Butte Cemetery (Vulcan County)

top of Coffin Handle Butte east of Milo AB , Milo , Alberta

Foothills Cemetery (Foothills County)

176044 402 Ave W , Diamond Valley , Alberta

St. Mary's Cemetery (Bluffton, Ponoka County)

Range Road 30 S of Highway 607 , Bluffton , Alberta

Cowley Cemetery (MD of Pincher Creek)

Range Rd 14 , Cowley , Alberta

Sutherland Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 141 and Township Road 191 , Brooks , Alberta

Foremost Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 61 and Range Road 115 , Foremost , Alberta

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