The Manyberries Cemetery is a five-acre piece of land. On October 13, 1917 a company was formed and called The Manyberries Cemetery Company and all did agree that the capital stock of the said company shall be $750.00. This to be divided into shares of $50.00 each in 15 shares, each share entitling the holder to one family plot in said cemetery. The shareholders did agree to accept and take the number of shares, that is one share each, and did agree to pay in cash $12.50, being a quarter of the total value of each share.

In 1918 the Company was registered as follows: Under the provisions of ‘The Cemetery Ordinance” the following persons: William Miller, Edward Miller, Henry G. Engelking, James Carter, George R. Holdershaw, Ernest Martin, Peter Blair, John M. Courtney, Christian Pederson,Bowden, J.J. Chinworth, Frank Fuller, Thomas Bowcott, Charles Wesley, V.L. Dunning, are hereby constated a Cemetery Company under the name of The Manyberries Cemetery Company with J.M. Courtney, Secretary-Treasurer.

Courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




Highway 61 (Red Coat Trail) and Range Road 53b
Nearest Populated Centre: Manyberries,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.40699, -110.70156

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