


616 Westridge Rd
Nearest Populated Centre: Strathmore,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.03819, -113.41970

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

Mount Davis Cemetery (Kneehill County)

314035 Range Rd 250 , Three Hills , Alberta

Schlaht Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 112 and Range Road 21 , Irvine , Alberta

Ibbestad Cemetery (MD of Taber)

Twp Rd 155 between Rge Roads 180 and 181 , Enchant , Alberta

Willow Wilde Cemetery (Barrhead County)

Township Road 582, east of Range Road 23 , Busby , Alberta

Zion Lutheran Cemetery Site 1 (Cypress County)

Twp 180 and Rge Rd 24 , Hilda , Alberta

Bow City Cemetery (Newell County)

Rge Rd 165 north of Hwy 539 , Brooks , Alberta

Zion Lutheran Cemetery Site 2 (Cypress County)

Twp 180 and Rge Rd 24 , Hilda , Alberta

Sunnynook Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Township Road 272 E of Range Road 124A , Hanna , Alberta

Dalum Lutheran Church Cemetery (Wheatland County)

194002 Highway 69 , Dalum , Alberta

Passburg Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

Passburg Dr , Passburg , Alberta

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