


263074 Hwy 27
Nearest Populated Centre: Torrington,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.79474, -113.64001

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Hill Spring Cemetery (Cardston County)

Township Rd 43A , Hill Spring , Alberta

Mountain View Cemetery (Banff National Park)

1029 Banff Avenue , Banff , Alberta

West Duchess Cemetery (Newell County)

N of Brianne Boulevard , Duchess , Alberta

Bellevue Union Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

Larch Ave , Bellevue , Alberta

St. Mary's Cemetery (Beiseker, Rocky View County)

Township Rd 282 & Range Rd 261 , Beiseker , Alberta

Lutheran Cemetery (Clearwater, Cypress County)

Twp Rd 130 & Rge Rd 25 , Clearwater Lakes , Alberta

Chancellor Cemetery (Wheatland County)

S of AB 561E on Twp Rd 245A , Chancellor , Alberta

Westview Cemetery (Grassy Lake, MD of Taber)

84028 Range Road 135 , Grassy Lake , Alberta

Barons Cemetery (Lethbridge County)

Twp Rd 23 south of Rge Rd 520 , Barons , Alberta

Andrew Beierbach Homestead Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 184 & Rge Rd 31 , Hilda , Alberta

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