


334039 Hwy 805
Nearest Populated Centre: Wimborne,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.85993, -113.59439

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Munson Cemetery (Starland County)

Highway 9 south of Munson , Munson , Alberta

St. Rita's Cemetery (Rockyford, Wheatland County)

412 Serviceberry Trail , Rockyford , Alberta

Lutheran Cemetery (Schuler, Cypress County)

Twp Rd 161 & Rge Rd 10 , Schuler , Alberta

Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery (Calgary)

101 17818 37 St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Newburg Evangelical Zion Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 100 & Rge Rd 41 , Gros Ventre , Alberta

Rockyford Union Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Twp Rd 263 & Range Rd 234 , Rockyford , Alberta

Huber Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 200 & Rge Rd 11 , Sandy Point , Alberta

Lacombe Home Cemetery (Calgary)

270 Providence Boulevard SE , Calgary , Alberta

Carmangay Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Township Road 235 and Range Road 240 , Carmangay , Alberta

Valley View Lutheran Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 84 and Range Road 77 , Seven Persons , Alberta

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