


334039 Hwy 805
Nearest Populated Centre: Wimborne,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.85993, -113.59439

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Other Cemeteries

Union Cemetery (Calgary)

27 Ave & Spiller Rd SE , Calgary , Alberta

Mayton Cemetery (Mountain View County)

27359 Twp Rd 333 , Mayton , Alberta

Chinese Cemetery (Calgary)

3205 Macleod Tr SW , Calgary , Alberta

Blairmore Old Union Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

25th Ave , Blairmore , Alberta

Fishburn United Church Cemetery (MD of Pincher Creek)

28232 Twp Rd 52 , Fishburn , Alberta

Gnadenfeldt Baptist Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 202 & Rge Rd 12 , Sandy Point , Alberta

Sutherland Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 141 and Township Road 191 , Brooks , Alberta

Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Rge Rd 225 south of Twp Rd 205 , Arrowwood , Alberta

Fieger Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Rge Rd 23 & Twp Rd 174 , Hilda , Alberta

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