The burials were recorded from the history books of the Cypress county.
These names did not appear in any of the cemetery records in the areas/ There are no photos of these burials. Most burials are at the farms or homesteads of the relatives with no markers for the graves. Most graves have been farmed over by now, only local knowledge of the locations from the neighbors in 1996.

Courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




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Province: Alberta

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Other Cemeteries

Millarville Cemetery (Foothills County)

Highway 49 , Millarville , Alberta

Willow Wilde Cemetery (Barrhead County)

Township Road 582, east of Range Road 23 , Busby , Alberta

St. Francis of Assisi Cemetery (Leduc County)

Highway 770 north of Highway 622 , Thorsby , Alberta

Patricia Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

St. Andrews Cemetery (Cochrane, Rocky View County)

427 Centre Ave N , Cochrane , Alberta

Fath Hill Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Rge Rd 529 west of Hwy 23 , Champion , Alberta

Standard Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Highway 840 & Cemetery Road , Standard , Alberta

Cavanaugh Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 202 & Rge Rd 12 , Sandy Point , Alberta

Chevra Kadisha Erlton Street Cemetery (Calgary)

32 30th Ave SW , Calgary , Alberta

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