


194002 Highway 69
Nearest Populated Centre: Dalum,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.30035, -112.63204

Map Location

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The 25 most common surnames found in this cemetery.


The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Lone Butte Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Highway 570 and Range Road 151 , Dorothy , Alberta

Mayton Cemetery (Mountain View County)

27359 Twp Rd 333 , Mayton , Alberta

St. Anne's Cemetery (Josephburg, Cypress County)

East of Range Road 30, south of Township Road 94 , Josephburg , Alberta

Forty Mile Pioneer Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Highway 879, Township Road 70, Range Road 112 , Foremost , Alberta

Arrowwood Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Range Rd 233 just south of Twp Rd 205 , Arrowwood , Alberta

Old Monarch Cemetery (Lethbridge County)

Range Rd 235 South of Hwy 3A , Monarch , Alberta

Okotoks Cemetery (Foothills County)

30 Westland Street , Okotoks , Alberta

Banff Town Cemetery (Banff National Park)

604 Buffalo Street , Banff , Alberta

Patricia Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

Knoll Cemetery (Michichi, Starland County)

Township Road 31-0 E of Highway 849 , Michichi , Alberta

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