


18 Street
Nearest Populated Centre: Didsbury,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.65318, -114.135

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

St. Gabriel's Cemetery (Carbon, Kneehill County)

Range Rd 232 , Carbon , Alberta

Ibbestad Cemetery (MD of Taber)

Twp Rd 155 between Rge Roads 180 and 181 , Enchant , Alberta

Strathmore Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Westridge Road; adjacent to Hwy 1 , Strathmore , Alberta

West Duchess Cemetery (Newell County)

N of Brianne Boulevard , Duchess , Alberta

Cavanaugh Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 202 & Rge Rd 12 , Sandy Point , Alberta

St. Mary's Cemetery (Bluffton, Ponoka County)

Range Road 30 S of Highway 607 , Bluffton , Alberta

Lebanon-Thelma Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 74 & Range Rd 31 , Irvine , Alberta

Wisdom Bethel Evangelical Cemetery (Cypress County)

Range Rd 60 & Twp Rd 90 , Wisdom , Alberta

Acme Church of God Cemetery (Kneehill County)

Twp Rd 292 between Rge Rds 264 & 263 , Acme , Alberta

St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery (Schuler, Cypress County)

Rge Rd 23 between Twp Rd 154 and Hwy 528 , Schuler , Alberta

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