Hillcrest Cemetery, 200 km south of Calgary, is a designated Provincial Historic Resource in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass. It is an active cemetery that includes the graves of victims of the Hillcrest Mine Disaster of June 19, 1914 in which 189 men were killed.

Although most of the men who died in the explosion were buried in the two mass graves, there are others in individual plots throughout the cemetery, some men were buried in other cemeteries in the area. At least 2 men were shipped back to Nova Scotia to be buried close to their families there.

As of 2022, there were 1,536 persons interred at Hillcrest.

To get to Hillcrest Cemetery, take the Hillcrest west access off Highway 3, cross the railway and the river, bear right at the Hillcrest Mines entry sign and immediately turn right.




223 St
Nearest Populated Centre: Hillcrest Mines,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.57543, -114.38009

Map Location

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Twp Rd 230 just west of Rge Rd 222 , Cluny , Alberta

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