


Twp Rd 192 between Rge Roads 220 and 221
Nearest Populated Centre: Milo,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.60175, -112.92425

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Other Cemeteries

Congregational Matthaus Cemetery (Cypress County)

Rge Rd 23 between Twp Rs 154 and 160 , Schuler , Alberta

Dalum Lutheran Church Cemetery (Wheatland County)

194002 Highway 69 , Dalum , Alberta

St. Rita's Cemetery (Rockyford, Wheatland County)

412 Serviceberry Trail , Rockyford , Alberta

Gleichen Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Highway 547 north of town , Gleichen , Alberta

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zion (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 62 and Range Road 55, east of Highway 889 , Manyberries , Alberta

Winnifred Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Just south of Gate Avenue between Albert St and Park St , Winnifred , Alberta

Crossfield Cemetery (Rocky View County)

10063 Township Rd 285 , Crossfield , Alberta

Reist Mennonite Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Rge Rd 100a, Special Area No. 2 , N of Youngstown , Alberta

Rocky View Garden of Peace Cemetery (Calgary)

243208 Garden Rd NE , Just outside Calgary city limits , Alberta

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