This group of Norwegian Lutherans held their services in the rural Industry and Melba schools, their pastors would come from Medicine Hat, Alberta. Some of the members were: Charles Rollefstad, Sigrid Hanson, Nels Olsen, Hilmer Rollefstad and Felix Arlington. Some of the pastors were: Mickleson, Branser, Walker, Arneson and Norstad. The records for this cemetery have been misplaced. The plot of land for the cemetery was donated by Charlie Nordin. The plot is located two miles west, two miles south and one half mile east of Schuler, Alberta, on the north side of township road 160. This is about a four acre plot, enclosed with a tall carrigana hedge and a broken down fence, the grass has not been cut in years. There are a few legible markers in one corner, one must look closely to find them. The community has erected a stone monument listing all those interred here, but only lists year of death. This monument is surrounded with a steel pipe fence to keep cattle from rubbing on it. This cemetery is known by some as the “Government Cemetery” as it was supposedly used to inter folks who did not belong to any religious denomination.

Courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




Rge Rd 20 and Twp Rd 160
Nearest Populated Centre: Schuler,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.31041, -110.13121

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

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Highway 61 (Red Coat Trail) and Range Road 53b , Manyberries , Alberta

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Township Road 224 E of Highway 862 , Gem , Alberta

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311012 Range Road 221 , Three Hills , Alberta

Jenner Old Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Township Road 210 W of Jenner , Jenner , Alberta

Harmattan Anglican Cemetery (Mountain View County)

Range Rd 40 S of Hwy 27 , Harmattan , Alberta

Standard Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Highway 840 & Cemetery Road , Standard , Alberta

Maerz Cemetery (Kneehill County)

Rge Rd 252 south of Hwy 802, west of Three Hills , Three Hills , Alberta

Millarville Cemetery (Foothills County)

Highway 49 , Millarville , Alberta

Graburn United Church Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 100 & Range Rd 12 (Graburn Road) , Walsh , Alberta

Bergthal Cemetery (Mountain View County)

31-30539 Rge Rd 285 , NE of Carstairs , Alberta

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