Redeemer Lutheran Cemetery, also known as St. Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery, is located South of Didsbury on 23rd Street (Range Road 20) to Westcott Road (Twp Road 310). Turn west and travel 5 miles to Range Road 25. Turn south and cemetery is on the west side of the road. As of 2022, the cemetery had 36 persons interred.

The Town of Didsbury began to be settled in 1894 by German Mennonites. Original settlement in the area was sparse. The first concern of settlers was to build a church; and the primary task of the settlers was to create farmsteads. Settlement prior to the post-1900 land rush was limited to the small group who came west in 1894.
1897 saw the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which pushed forward the town’s development. The CPR constructed a station in the town in 1904. Didsbury was incorporated as a village in 1905 and as a town on September 6, 1906.




30572 Range Rd 25
Nearest Populated Centre: Didsbury,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.61860, -114.25965

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

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412 Serviceberry Trail , Rockyford , Alberta

Woolford Cemetery (Cardston County)

Highway 502 S of Township Road 31A , Woolford , Alberta

Mayton Cemetery (Mountain View County)

27359 Twp Rd 333 , Mayton , Alberta

Graham Cemetery (Mountain View County)

NE corner of Range Rd 52 & Township Rd 302 , NW of Cremona , Alberta

St. Mary's Cemetery (Calgary)

3157 Erlton St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Gem Cemetery (Newell County)

Township Road 224 E of Highway 862 , Gem , Alberta

Irricana Town Cemetery (Rocky View County)

Cemetery Rd & Hendricks Dr , Irricana , Alberta

Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery (Calgary)

101 17818 37 St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Gilby Cemetery (Lacombe County)

Range Road 33A S of Highway 12 , Gilby , Alberta

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