


130017 Rge Rd 173
Nearest Populated Centre: Retlaw,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.05115, -112.25284

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

Maerz Cemetery (Kneehill County)

Rge Rd 252 south of Hwy 802, west of Three Hills , Three Hills , Alberta

Beth Tzedec Memorial Park (Calgary)

122 Shalom Way SW , Calgary , Alberta

Cayley Cemetery (Foothills County)

88207 - 658 Avenue E , Cayley , Alberta

Burlington Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Twp Rd 44 & Range Rd 110 , Foremost , Alberta

Christ Lutheran Cemetery (Red Deer County)

Township Road 370 and Range Road 32 , Spruce View , Alberta

Walsh Community Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 114 and Range Road 13 , Walsh , Alberta

Seven Persons Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 110 east of Highway 867 , Seven Persons , Alberta

St. Barnabas Anglican Memorial Garden (Calgary)

1407 - 7 Ave NW , Calgary , Alberta

St. George’s Parish Cemetery (Irvine, Cypress County)

Township Road 119 & Range Road 30 , Irvine , Alberta

White Lake Cemetery (Lethbridge County)

11195 Range Road 24-3 , Nobleford , Alberta

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