Sharon Cemetery is a very small cemetery located a 10 minute drive Southwest of the Hamlet of Brant. It has only 10 burials and only two headstones visible.

To reach Sharon Cemetery, from Secondary Highway #804 turn west onto Township Road #174 to the intersection of Range Road #270. The cemetery is located on 658 Ave East just east of Range Road #270. It is at the corner of Range Road #270 and Township Road #174 and is extremely difficult to identify as it is completely overgrown.

Sharon Cemetery was started by the German Baptist Brethren or “Dunkards”.




26531-26501 Twp Rd 174, SW of Brant; NE corner of Rge Rd 270 & Twp Rd 174
Nearest Populated Centre: SW of Brant,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.45582, -113.57459

Map Location

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