


322043 Rge Rd 261
Nearest Populated Centre: Torrington,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.74393, -113.5714

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Other Cemeteries

Richdale Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Highway 9 west of Hamlet of Richdale , Richdale , Alberta

Jenner Old Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Township Road 210 W of Jenner , Jenner , Alberta

St. Mary's Cemetery (Cochrane, Rocky View County)

423 Centre Ave N , Cochrane , Alberta

Christ Church Anglican Cemetery (Kneehill County)

315079 Rge Rd 225 , Three Hills , Alberta

Eventide Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Hwy 547 , Gleichen , Alberta

Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery (Calgary)

101 17818 37 St SW , Calgary , Alberta

Knoll Cemetery (Michichi, Starland County)

Township Road 31-0 E of Highway 849 , Michichi , Alberta

Willow Wilde Cemetery (Barrhead County)

Township Road 582, east of Range Road 23 , Busby , Alberta

Bergthal Cemetery (Mountain View County)

31-30539 Rge Rd 285 , NE of Carstairs , Alberta

Chevra Kadisha Erlton Street Cemetery (Calgary)

32 30th Ave SW , Calgary , Alberta

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