


32180 Hwy 766
Nearest Populated Centre: Westerdale,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.73649, -114.33309

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Other Cemeteries

Taylor Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Hwy 539 between Rge Rd 181 & Range Rd 183 , Lomond , Alberta

Poplar Valley Cemetery (Wetaskiwin County)

462061 Range Road 43A , Winfield , Alberta

Rosebud Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Twp Rd 272 , Rosebud , Alberta

Gladys Union Cemetery (Foothills County)

370004 240 St E , Gladys , Alberta

Beiseker Community Cemetery (Rocky View County)

Range Rd 262, south of Township Rd 282 , Beiseker , Alberta

Frankburg Cemetery (Foothills County)

Range Rd 273, S of Hwy 23 , Frankburg (ghost town south of Blackie) , Alberta

Zion Lutheran Cemetery Site 1 (Cypress County)

Twp 180 and Rge Rd 24 , Hilda , Alberta

Newburg Evangelical Zion Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 100 & Rge Rd 41 , Gros Ventre , Alberta

St. Cecilia's Cemetery (Nanton, MD of Willow Creek)

Range Rd 282, north of Hwy 533 , Nanton , Alberta

Hutterian Brethren of Roseglen Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 180 and Rge Rd 22 , Hilda , Alberta

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