


194002 Highway 69
Nearest Populated Centre: Dalum,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.30035, -112.63204

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

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Twp Rd 284 & Twp Rd 836 , Carbon , Alberta

Congregational Matthaus Cemetery (Cypress County)

Rge Rd 23 between Twp Rs 154 and 160 , Schuler , Alberta

Rosemary North Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 160 N of Highway 550 , Rosemary , Alberta

Rosemary Catholic Cemetery (Newell County)

Old #1 Highway and East Gem Road , Rosemary , Alberta

Chevra Kadisha Erlton Street Cemetery (Calgary)

32 30th Ave SW , Calgary , Alberta

St. Stephen's Cemetery (Cardston County)

Range Road 262 N of Township Road 20A , Aetna , Alberta

Chancellor Cemetery (Wheatland County)

S of AB 561E on Twp Rd 245A , Chancellor , Alberta

Fieger Family Cemetery (Cypress County)

Rge Rd 23 & Twp Rd 174 , Hilda , Alberta

Comrey Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Range Rd 62 north of Twp Road 22 , Manyberries , Alberta

Foremost Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 61 and Range Road 115 , Foremost , Alberta

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