


Rge Rd 520 west of Twp Rd 23
Nearest Populated Centre: Barons,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.02606, -113.23174

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Other Cemeteries

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Rge Rd 23 between Twp Rs 154 and 160 , Schuler , Alberta

Karl Wolfer Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 204 & Rge RD 12 , Sandy Point , Alberta

Peace Lutheran Cemetery (Cypress County)

Twp Rd 162 and Rge Rd 14 , Schuler , Alberta

Banff Town Cemetery (Banff National Park)

604 Buffalo Street , Banff , Alberta

Bergen Cemetery (Mountain View County)

32001 Rge Rd 52; 12 km S of Sundre , Sundre , Alberta

Salem Evangelical Cemetery Site 2 (Newburg, Cypress County)

Township Road 102 & Range Road 23 , Newburg , Alberta

West Duchess Cemetery (Newell County)

N of Brianne Boulevard , Duchess , Alberta

Hand Hills Baptist Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Range Road 163 and Township Road 302 , Hanna , Alberta

Namaka Mennonite Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Namaka, Strathmore Census Division , Carseland , Alberta

Patricia Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 131 S of Highway 544/876 , Patricia , Alberta

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