


Rge Rd 254 south of Hwy 519
Nearest Populated Centre: Granum,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.85867, -113.34195

Map Location

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The 25 most common given names found in this cemetery.


Other Cemeteries

St. Andrew's Cemetery (Gladys, Foothills County)

Highway 547 & 192 St , Gladys , Alberta

Wayne Community Cemetery (Town Of Drumheller)

Excelsior Avenue , Wayne , Alberta

Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery (Cypress County)

Rge Rd 20 and Twp Rd 160 , Schuler , Alberta

St. Joseph's Cemetery (Three Hills, Kneehill County)

Secondary Highway 583 just west of Three Hills , Three Hills , Alberta

Livingstone Cemetery (MD of Pincher Creek)

Range Rd 15, North of Cowley , Cowley , Alberta

Millarville Cemetery (Foothills County)

Highway 49 , Millarville , Alberta

Torrington East Cemetery (Kneehill County)

330007A Hwy 805 , Torrington , Alberta

Ouelletteville Cemetery (Wheatland County)

Twp Rd 230 just west of Rge Rd 222 , Cluny , Alberta

St. Cecilia's Cemetery (Nanton, MD of Willow Creek)

Range Rd 282, north of Hwy 533 , Nanton , Alberta

Lille Cemetery (Crowsnest Pass)

Lille , Lille , Alberta

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