Fifteen members under the leadership of Pastor C.K. -Reiswig organized this church in 1919. That summer, they purchased a vacant home and used it for a meeting place until purchasing an acre of property two miles north of Hilda, Alberta. A new church was built under the direction of Pastor Ben Reiley.
By this time the congregation had grown to about forty members. The 1940’s witnessed a major movement of families away from the farms causing the membership to drop to just two families. This small group joined the church at Medicine Hat, Alberta, and the building stood vacant for almost fifty years.

Information courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




Twp Rd 182 & Rge Rd 13
Nearest Populated Centre: Hilda,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.51441, -110.07333

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