Munson is a village west of Highway 9, approximately 40 kilometres east southeast of Three Hills. Munson is a tiny farming village named after lawyer John Henry Munson, K.C (1859-1918). Munson was counsel for the Canadian Northern Railway, which established a station here on its Saskatoon – Calgary Line in 1911. Munson is buried in his hometown of Cobour, Ontario. The site of his Winnipeg home on Wellington Crescent is now called Munson park. The CN Building, where he once worked, still stands at Winnipeg’s busiest intersection.




Highway 9 south of Munson
Nearest Populated Centre: Munson,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.54645, -112.72293

Map Location

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Other Cemeteries

St. Barnabas Anglican Memorial Garden (Calgary)

1407 - 7 Ave NW , Calgary , Alberta

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top of Coffin Handle Butte east of Milo AB , Milo , Alberta

Caldwell-Moir Cemetery (Cardston County)

Range Road 280 S of Township Road 25A/B , Mountain View , Alberta

Rosemary North Cemetery (Newell County)

Range Road 160 N of Highway 550 , Rosemary , Alberta

Cessford Cemetery (Special Area No. 2)

Highway 561 E of Highway 876 , Cessford , Alberta

Highland Cemetery (Forty Mile County)

Township Road 120 and Range Road 84 , Whitla , Alberta

Eagle Valley Cemetery (Mountain View County)

4455 Twp Rd 340 , Sundre , Alberta

Torrington Zion Lutheran Cemetery (Kneehill County)

322043 Rge Rd 261 , Torrington , Alberta

Vockeroth Cemetery (Cypress County)

Township Road 120 and Range Road 30 , Irvine , Alberta

Meadow Vale Cemetery (Ponoka County)

Township Road 430 W of Range Road 50 , Rimbey , Alberta

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