This old log church lies secluded from view 2.6 kilometers south of Township Road 94 just east of Range Road 30. This is 14 miles due south of Irvine, Alberta. The church is hidden from view in all directions as it sits in a depression with the nearby Cypress Hills as a backdrop. In talking with the landowner, it was discovered that this was an Anglican Church built in 1897. The building was about 16 feet by 26 feet with two windows on each of the north and south sides, the one door faced west. We understand that the interior was quite ornate, and the floors were covered in carpet. Cattle have broken into the building and left about three feet of manure behind. The door opening has been boarded over as of September 01,1996.

The small overgrown, well fenced cemetery is located just a few feet south of the church. Someone had visited here recently, as the tall grass around one of the graves had been trimmed. There are only two visible grave markers. We would guess that about ten pioneers are interred here. Church services in this area were held in the Joseph Dunn residence from 1895, to 1897, with Reverend Nicholls from St. Barnabas Anglican Church at Medicine Hat, Alberta, traveling out on occasion. Mr. Dunn homesteaded the SW 18-09-02-W4 and we assume he donated the parcel of land for the church and cemetery.

This pioneer church of the Cypress Hills opened for Devine Service Sunday, 06, 1897, with the service of dedication taken by the Reverend W. Nicholls from St. Barnabas Church at Medicine Hat, Alberta.

The bare logs used in construction were cut by local volunteer labor, the inside was chinked and plastered. Most of the fixtures, gifts from friends, were shipped from England. Services were conducted every third Sunday of the month, from 1897 to 1901. Funds donated by someone in England, enabled the congregation to build a parsonage. Reverend James Williams served the church during 1902. The church was closed by 1912.

Various records indicate the following interred here:
Mort age 28 years. The piece of stone with the first name and dates is missing. An inscription reads: “Until the day break and the shadow flee away.”
Martin Sarah.
Purcell Albert Allan born April 30, 1902, died May 30, 1904, son of William E. and Sarah Martin.
Smibert George Henry died an infant in 1906, child of George Henry Smibert and Lily Gilbert.
Smibert Harry died March 26, 1906, son of George Henry Smibert and Lily Gilbert.
Tinkletine Dorothea Wilhelmina died September 03, 1905. Tinkletine Harris died September 03, 1905, at age 6 months. The inscription reads: “He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom.”

Courtesy of Medicine Hat and District Genealogical Society (MHDGS)




East of Range Road 30, south of Township Road 94
Nearest Populated Centre: Josephburg,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
49.73443, -110.27549

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