


194002 Highway 69
Nearest Populated Centre: Dalum,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
51.30035, -112.63204

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Other Cemeteries

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Twp Rd 180 and Rge Rd 22 , Hilda , Alberta

Church of God Cemetery (Schuler, Cypress County)

Twp Rd 162 & Rge Rd 23 , Schuler , Alberta

Hope Lutheran Cemetery (Vulcan County)

Twp Rd 192 between Rge Roads 220 and 221 , Milo , Alberta

Retlaw Cemetery (MD of Taber)

130017 Rge Rd 173 , Retlaw , Alberta

St. Francis of Assisi Cemetery (Leduc County)

Highway 770 north of Highway 622 , Thorsby , Alberta

Sacred Heart Cemetery (Strathmore, Wheatland County)

616 Westridge Rd , Strathmore , Alberta

Barons Cemetery (Lethbridge County)

Twp Rd 23 south of Rge Rd 520 , Barons , Alberta

Hill Spring Pioneer Cemetery (Cardston County)

Township Rd 43A , Hill Spring , Alberta

Bow City Cemetery (Newell County)

Rge Rd 165 north of Hwy 539 , Brooks , Alberta

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