The Foothills cemetery, located between Turner Valley and Black Diamond, opened in 1976. Prior to that date, area residents were buried in Okotoks, Millarville and High River. As of 2022, 693 people were interred at Foothills Cemetery.

The cemetery is a shared service provided by the Town of Diamond Valley and Foothills County. The cemetery is managed by the Foothills Cemetery Board, made up of 2 representatives from Diamond Valley, one from the Foothills County, one from Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 78, and one member at large appointed by the board. It is responsible for the operation and future planning of the Foothills Cemetery.

Diamond Valley is a town approximately 65 km southwest of Calgary, Alberta.  The town was formed on January 1, 2023 from the amalgamation of Turner Valley and Black Diamond, two towns of about 2600 inhabitants each approximately 4 km apart.  Handily, the cemetery is about half way between those two centres.




176044 402 Ave W
Nearest Populated Centre: Diamond Valley,
Province: Alberta

Map Location

Latitude, Longitude
50.68901, -114.26042

Map Location

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